Why do some people drink ayahuasca? There are great advantages of infinite values when we choose to learn and heal with this powerful plant. I want to share some of the great benefits here. One essential basic exploration is that you can learn over time what your "true self" really is. By this, I mean that you are often sent on a journey where it becomes more and more clear who you are without any learned behavioral patterns that prevent you from being at your full potential. Learning with ayahuasca and the tree medicine is a way, where you need to show up, it is a co-creation, you are involved with all responsibility, and you need to be willing to be present and take responsibility for your personal expansion of consciousness, personality development, and healing journey.It’s not like "typical Western medicine" that I go to the doctor who prescribes something and I just follow what the doctor says. In working with ayahuasca and other plant medicines we offer, you have to be very conscious of your work, which often means that you are invited to put aside your ego to recognize your real dark sides. The awareness of how we produce low vibrations, how we create shadows, how we hide parts of ourselves, and how shame and guilt unconsciously control/navigate us must be recognized by ourselves. Only by learning about our shadows and our responsibilities in this area, can we learn to lead a healthy, focused life. This can bring many challenges and is at the same time very liberating.Only if we succeed in seeing ourselves more and more, to grasp all parts of us and to take responsibility for our lives holistically, then only can we reach our true "God power".Often we have learned and are encouraged by our society and environment to do what others do or just join in, not to swim against the current, adapt and suppress your own feelings and thoughts. We live in a world of distraction from the inner core actually. In this deep inner core, every person has his full potential. The result: we lose our true natural power:- Intuition - free will - connection to higher intelligence - use our feelings to live our lives in integrity - use our sensitivity as a compass - connection to higher forces/wisdom - onenessWe are all highly sensitive beings, unfortunately, most of us have forgotten to use this sensitivity as a valuable compass. We often learned at a young age to numb our sensitivity, suppress it, etc., because we did not feel safe with our sensitivity.With ayahuasca and tree medicine, we learn to feel deeply again, invite our sensitivity, recognize what our blockages are, to remind us of our real strength and connection. We learn to see and recognize what our learned limitations are AND the fantastic thing is that the plants energetically help us move the low vibrations out of our system. The plant medicine intelligence plus the Ikaro help us when we are ready to release and transform these "tense energies" from our system. So that there is more space and place for the flow of life-supporting energies.In these processes, the miracle can happen that we detach ourselves from our traumatization, that we no longer identify with them.I am "here" - and my trauma is "there".In a deeper perception, I am no longer my trauma. A space is created in which decoupling (unlinking) takes place, something that was previously linked is no longer so. Something that was mixed before is now separated and differentiated. This process takes place not only on the mental level but on a deeper, more subtle level and then extends to other levels of feeling and experiencing.From this great movement of "non-identification" with one’s own wounds and injuries, a completely new self-discovery can arise. It is up to you to create new patterns from this healing offer, which we call integration.It is a way to feel and perceive yourself and life anew. It is often a process to learn to feel safe without old limiting defense and protection mechanisms. How can I create new healthy ways, patterns, boundaries, alignments and new orientations in my life?How can I give space to myself and the person who I´m becoming?This process, in which the trauma energy is getting detached from the self (self-energy), is often tried without success in many therapies. There are of course methods such as IFS or various therapies, where the body and somatic perception are involved, which also help to achieve this "un-linking / un-blending on a deep level". This often takes much longer than with ayahuasca. Of course, ayahuasca is not a good and healthy medicine for everyone, this must be evaluated before.One of my main intentions in this work is to offer people space and guidance to rediscover their strengths and full potential so that they are increasingly able to lead a self-determined life in a holistic sense. When we deeply experience and integrate into our lives that we are all part of a larger whole, consciousness, strength, connectedness, and trust can be given to us.If you feel the call or are curious, write me an email.Best regards from Peru,Ute
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