True – Journey
Long Term Training Program
"A journey into being a space holder for yourself and others"
Learning to be a Facilitator with Shipibo Medicine
Duration: about 1 - 2 years
Starting time: flexible
We design that individually and in the flow - this is a rough idea - contact me to talk about
This Plant Medicine Facilitator Training is designed to cultivate your personal practice and exploration with dieting plants. The core objective is for you to heal yourself with plants while simultaneously learning more about the dieting and facilitation process. During your diets with True-Journey and our Shipibo Healers, I will provide guidance and facilitation to hold space for your healing and learning experience. The program will allow you to first hold space for your own inner processes and move towards holding space for others.
This long term program will be personalized and will organically flow based on your individual needs. The teachings and topics will unfold in the present moment through your own process, and later on through practical applications based on group dynamics and activities that arise.
If we want to work with others on a deep level, we need to be clear about our own relationship with our own emotions. We need to be aware of our own patterns and triggers in order to not project our issues on our clients. Having clarity, integrity, coherence and energetic awareness will open the space for your clients to be in alignment with their own healing process.
Keep in mind and remember that you cannot give what you don´t have. You can only guide people as deeply as you have gone yourself. You can only create safety for others if you are able to create safety for yourself.
My mentorship style stems from my belief that we all possess unique capacities to hold space and to guide others on their journeys. My intention is to support you, share my experiences and reflect with you, so you may find your own methods, abilities, qualities, gifts and ways of working with others.
Over the years, my experiences in plant medicine spaces and therapeutic settings have accumulated, people started to express their desire to learn from me. Consequently, I began gradually in 2021 to create opportunities for sharing my experience and knowledge organically. My intention is that sharing my knowledge with you will serve you in finding your own authentic and true path as a Space Holder and Facilitator.
True-Journey and other plant medicine spaces are in need of experienced facilitators to bridge and integrate different realms so that higher wisdom from the plants can be cultivated in "real daily life". For this reason, I feel a strong call to create and share space in order to provide opportunities for learning and growing.
Requirements: There are no specific requirements needed to apply. Experience in facilitating groups, dieting sacred plants, and knowledge of practices like Yoga, mindfulness, meditation, somatic experiences, and others, can be extremely beneficial. These activities can help you and might bring forth certain skills in the process.
Psychology and Therapy approaches can contribute certain ideas and models that can be very helpful for your process and the facilitation structure. Those with backgrounds in these fields are encouraged to apply.
Please also apply even if you do not see your skill set reflected.
Part of the application process includes a video call where we will discuss how you can best contribute to the program.
Before committing to the training together, you need to diet with us. You need to be familiar with your own process and learning in SAMA. We need to make sure that all feels aligned. As well you need to have a connection with certain plant energies, frequencies and deeper understanding (I don´t talk about mental understanding).
This Program includes:
1. Participation in Shipibo Plant Diets
2. Private Sessions & Guidance for Personal Work:
Self Inquiry; Psycho-spiritual coaching; exploring and finding the root of mental and emotional patterns;
Awareness about the own "wounded healer" – gaining clarity on personal motivation to step into the role of a facilitator
Approaches / Processes
Teachings and increasing awarness about the field of Trauma
Somatic Wisdom - explorations as an integrated part
all what comes up in an organic flow and evolvement
3. Preparation & Integration Support
4. Group Meetings during the Retreat and online
5. Practice during retreat: First step: practical training in a helper role & task to observe as much as possible;
6. Practice during retreat: Second step: Internships: Assistance during a retreat
7. Reflection and Supervision before/during/after the practical training / internship
More details:
1. Participation in at least two months of dietas with True–Journey as a Plant Student to learn and heal. These two months can be spread over the course of two years. At least one month needs to be in our Jungle Location.
Check the retreat schedule on our website!
2. 15 private sessions (online or in person)
The sessions will be a blend of coaching, mentoring, and psycho-spiritual - somatic and compassionate inquiry. We'll schedule our meetings in an organic flow around your "personal dietas" and your "practical trainings".
In the private sessions during the episode of your training I offer psycho-spiritual inquiry sessions to you. We also explore and reflect about your personal exploration from the stance of your own "wounded healer". Do you frequently encounter the same blind spot? Is there a need in you to help others? What triggers you? When and Where is the space not clean because you mix up your own personal issues in the field? Etc.
We explore the personal process and as well there is space for questions and reflections around the Faciliator Role.
This will happen online and in-person as required during and after your internship. Explanations, ideas, descriptions, knowledge, and experience will be shared about different approaches in Ayahuasca Retreats and Masterplant Diets.
You will also receive insight and information from me about different processes that arise for people in this work. Case study expamples etc.
You will learn about different topics through your own participation, our 1:1 sessions, observations, talks, and reflections during your practical experiences and internship.
3. You will receive beneficial and important material about preparation and integration guidance. You will join talks and circles, and you will receive your own included preparation and integration 1:1 sessions from before and after your diets.
4. Practice: Step 1: Practical experience: You will help in at least one, one-month retreat with small tasks (after the two months of dieting practice) related to retreat logistics and maybe during the ceremony. Your main task is to observe yourself and others, in order to notice what is happening inside you and around you.
You and I will have regular meetings and talks about your internal and external observations. We will meet daily for an average of 30 minutes, which will happen in an organic flow. The meetings during this retreat don't count as the 1:1 sessions you have in the package.
If you would like to combine the learning process with a Diet experience, you are welcome to do so.
5. Practice: Step 2: Internship: Assistant Role during a one-month retreat: We will create an exchange role for you in this retreat on a case-by-case basis. You can again choose to diet in combination with your learning process. We will create an exchange based on how you feel, what you have to offer, and what the need for the retreat space is.
How we create the exchange depends on your educational background and experiences in this field of work. During this retreat, we also will have regular 1:1 meetings to reflect on the dynamics, work roles, space holder topics, processes of the guests, etc.
6. Practical training/internship Guidance: Some of your private sessions we'll do before and after your practical experiences.
The Practical experience opportunity and the Internship will be decided case by case, how and when we feel that you're ready to step up in a helper/space holder role.
We'll advance with an organic flow and observe how your own personal process goes and the process of being able to hold space for others. Everyone brings a different personal background, diverse experiences, and skills into the training. Sometimes there is more personal work and training or more dietas necessary before it is the right time to step into a helper and facilitator role.
For this reason, it's essential for us to always be in communication and to clarify where we are in the process.
Important: I can not guarantee that we will do the 2nd practical step of the Internship. I need to be clear that we need to leave it open. It will not come as a surprise. We will have transparent and open communication the entire time.
There is an application process for this program. In this process, we'll talk about where you are at and I'll be transparent in my communication with you about where I see you on this path.
If you are interested, please contact me: ute.true.journey@gmail.com
This Training Program is flowing in an organic flow. We need to adjust to the present circumstances in your life and what happens in the True-Journey World.
Write me an email if you have questions or ideas or if you are interested.
Here you will find a free introductory course.
With much love,