The Ayahuasca Diet - Before, During and After Ceremony
There are some restrictions and recommendations in the time before and after the Ayahuasca Retreat or Masterplant Dieta. The time before you work with Ayahuasca or do a Masterplant Dieta is called Pre Dieta, and the time after a Post Dieta.
Ayahuasca Diet & Preparation: Ayahuasca Dietary Restrictions
There are many different opinions about the pre-dieta. I suggest the safest option and the way that gives you the biggest opportunity to be open to receiving the plant energy. The plant works with us on very subtle layers mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and probably on more layers than we are aware of.
Whether or not you feel like you can do a longer fast or a cleansing beforehand is up to you as an individual, and depends on your lifestyle. Taking your pre-dieta seriously could make your Ayahuasca experience and Masterplant Dieta stronger and deeper.
I also recommend not to fast in a too intense way. The fasting should be in a healthy manner.
In general, I recommend you arrive as pure as possible. This includes all of your habits and all of the things you consume and take in. I don't speak only about food and substances. I speak also about which books you are reading, which movies are you watching, what kind of communication you choose to have, and so forth. In general, be mindful about what you take into your system.
Preparation Guidelines:
- Don´t have Sex (also no masturbation) for at least ten days before!!
- Don´t use chemical perfumed shampoo, body lotion, soap,..etc. for at least one week before.
- Don’t take any drugs (plants, chemicals, alcohol, etc.) for at least one month before.
- Don´t do any other Sacred Plant Medicine for at least two weeks, better one month before.
- Please read the Medical Guidelines!
Are you already a plant student? Walking a path with plant teachers?
If you work with other master plants / sacred plants / strong plant allies, I recommend that if you would like to connect to the world of the trees (doing a SAMA) put your other "plant friends" to the side at least 2 weeks before the Masterplant Retreat. Even much better 1 month ahead!
If you like to diet with a tree it is highly recommended to create as much free space as you can inside of you.
Also, every experience might need some space to integrate before using a new plant.
A Masterplant Tree offers a whole complex world and even universe. The longer and the more you will diet plants, the better you might at some point understand what I mean by saying that.
The more you create space before, the more the tree can grow into your system (same for the integration time).
If you have a different feeling and you want to use other plants before the retreat, please have a personal talk with me and reach out.
There is no black and white. Right and wrong for everyone. What I share here is general experience and includes what I´m learning with my Shipibo Maestros. Not everyone is on the same path and we are all individual beings. I honor the path of everyone and I don´t want someone to feel limited through my words.
We can talk about anything in our 1:1 sessions before the retreat.
Stop eating these foods at least (!) one week before:
- spicy food
- red meat (no soup, no bouillon)
- raw fish
- salt, pepper
- fermented food
- dairy products (cheese, milk, butter)
- caffeine, stimulants
- energy drinks
- carbonated drinks
- sugar (fruits or a little honey is okay)
- cacao, coffee (be careful with strong plants)
- oil, no fat (Avocado not very fermented is okay)
- all kinds of strong plant remedies (always make sure with your doctor that stoping is fine)
- alcohol
Drugs, for example, cocaine/opiates/amphetamines/MDMA, etc. you have to cut out at least one month before. There are certain chemical combinations that can be very dangerous and even cause death. I can not accept you drinking medicine in our healing space if you don't respect that. Also based on energetical and spiritual aspects certain drugs cause disruptions and cross the energies of the plants which has strong effects on the space, every participant, the Maestra, myself, and yourself, in case you do not respect that. Please be honest with me if you did not follow these guidelines. I don´t judge you, believe me, I have been there. In case something happens talk with me before the retreat starts so we find a safe way.
In case you use regularly Marihuana is best if you stop one month before, at least stop 2 weeks before. If you don´t follow that guideline, this can cause energetic consequences in the cleaning and aligning process during the ceremony. I´m happy to talk with you in person about that.
Be aware if you like to do a SAMA, a tree diet, it is highly recommended not to use any Marihuana afterward and to use no other substances anymore. If this is a topic for you, I´m happy to talk with you to share more in a 1:1 session.
Post Ayahuasca Dieta & Diet After Retreat
The length of the Post Dieta after drinking Ayahuasca (only Ayahuasca!) depends on how long your retreat was. After a 10/14 day retreat, it is good if you are careful with the listed foods from the Pre Dieta for a few days and don't have sex for at least two weeks after a 10/14 day Ayahuasca Retreat.
Red Meat and Raw Fish especially should not be eaten for at least two weeks. In the Shipibo tradition where I'm learning they recommend in general not to eat pork for at least one-month post diet.
If you're using drugs (chemical or natural), be aware that they could cross energetically with your processes and the work that you did with Ayahuasca. The effect of the drugs can be very different afterward than it was before for you. Wait as long as possible before you start to take anything again. I strongly recommend waiting at least one month!
Using other psychoactive substances can be very confusing and disconnect you from Ayahuasca and the work you just did in the retreat. It can cause big disharmony in you. Don't risk that!
Of course, your post diet needs to be approached individually. While it's your own responsibility please reach out if you have any questions.
Post Diet after a Masterplant Dieta / Sama
If you are doing a Masterplant Dieta the Post Dieta is much more serious than a Post Dieta after drinking just Ayahuasca.
It’s very important to stick to the rules if you don't want to cross your Dieta. Crossing the diet means that energetically your work from the diet is "not vibrating" harmoniously. This means that "the diet is not straight". This could affect you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and can influence in general the outcome of your inner work.
Your healing process can get interrupted and it can put you in a not healthy place in general.
The length and the rules depend on the Masterplant which you are dieting, and on the length of your Diet time. It is very important that we speak after your diet about the details. It's also important to speak with the maestro/maestra.
Post Master Plant Dieta & Restrictions
Be very careful for at least 1-2 weeks with:
- frozen drinks and ice cream
- carbonated drinks
- coffee
Most of the time the Post-Dieta is at least 14 days, but it can be for up to a couple of months:
- no sex
- no red meat
- no raw fish
At least for one month:
- no drugs
- no other Entheogenic Plants/Sacred Plant Medicine
- no pork: speak with your maestro, it depends on your plant and the length of your dieta.
- no alcohol
Also be aware that other Entheogens (Mushrooms, San Pedro/Huachuma, Peyote, etc.) will influence your work from the Masterplant Diet. We're all different and on a different personal journey, so there's no general rule for everyone. I just want to say be careful and really feel into it or speak with a professional person about it.
On the path with the plants, on the path of shamanism, it's all about learning to listen to the voice inside, learning to become more deeply connected to your intuition and the "Universe".
It's about building up a relationship and a dialogue between "you" and the "higher wisdom" that surrounds us.
There's never the same rule and guideline for everyone!! But in the beginning, some guidance is helpful and can help you avoid hardships and suffering until you find more and more of your own true dialogue with all that is.
Crossing a Dieta can cause huge energetic disharmonies in all realms, that's why I highly recommend you stick to the "rules", if you don´t want to take extra risks.
To decide to participate in the work with Sacred Plants means to commit to do the work, whatever will appear. So make sure that you feel ready.
Of course, your post-diet needs to be approached individually, and is completely up to you. While it's your own responsibility please reach out if you have any questions.
If you sign up for this Sama or Ayahuasca Retreat, you need to be committed to taking care of your Post Dieta.
This healing journey includes a committed Preparation time, the time during the retreat, and the commitment to take care of your Postdiet time and Integration.
We like to release limitations and fears, right? Said that there are some important guidelines that it is good to align with to have a safe experience.
I intend to create with you a healing and learning experience, where the whole group can feel safe.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.