This True-Journey Masterplant Retreat Guidebook is required for our participants to read before our retreat starts. My intention with this content is that everyone aligns with some basic information. On our first retreat day we will have a meeting in our Ceremony building where there is space for questions or concerns about the shared material in the ebook and the attached video playlist.
This content may help you as well if you join another retreat that is not with True-Journey. It could support in receiving some clarity in your preparation or how you would like to navigate your process during the retreat.
Our True-Journey Participants receive 2 additional e-books for Preparation and Integration. All 3 e-books together connect well and carry a holistic collection of different topics around preparing, navigating, and integrating a sacred plant medicine journey.
The material I created in these 3 e-books is based on my experience and the work with my Shipibo teachers and the plants we work with.
Enjoy the process!! Enjoy the beingness and aliveness!
Below you will find the table of contents of this free ebook!
If you want to check out the 3 ebook packages, check this:
True - Joureny Preparation and Integration Course Package | True Journey (
Table of content of the free True-Journey ebook: Masterplant Retreat Guidebook.
Welcome & Introduction
1.1 What is Healing? 6
1.2 Opening our Minds 11
1.3 Intention 13
Shipibo Medicine & Healing
2.1 What is Ayahuasca to you? 18
2.2 Shipibo Medicine 23
2.3 True-Journey Ceremony Guide 30
2.4 Self-Inquiry During the Retreat 35
True-Journey Retreat Navigation
3.1 Group & Solo Medicine 46
3.2 True-Journey Ceremony Practicalities 49
3.3 Group Sharing & Process Circles 53
3.4 True-Journey Retreat Flow 57
4.1 Areas of Integration 63
4.2 Integrating the Energies of the Plants 64
Signature Agreement 66
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